The best therapy for me : PHOTOGRAPHY

So what is Photography? Photography is the series of actions involving light or electromagnetic radiation to record images of objects on various surfaces. Photography always requires light to duplicate the real-life image being taken. Photography enlists the use of a camera to capture the image needed to produce the recreation of the image onto photographic…


Most students would say “Aaah kapoya” or “Hasula ni oy. Mura ra bag major” but fail to see the beauty there is in being a Scout. It’s not just training our minds to be more discipline for one Saturday. it’s about instilling virtues that will stay with us to adulthood. It’s about values, discipline, and…

Ball is Life

A term that is used by ballers, that see themselves as the next MJ. They often wear Nike elite socks, and have basketball themed stuff all around them. They feel that basketball is more than just a game, they believe that it is life. A term used by kids who they think they are the…


SIQUIJOR “The Mystic Island”             The whole island of Siquijor was declared a marine reserve and tourist zone in 1978 by virtue of Proclamation No. 1810. As such, the island-province will be developed into a major tourist destination under the supervision of the Philippine Tourism Authority. Known for its scenic beauty and archaic churches, Siquijor…

Life is Just One Joyride

We must take care of our life, because it’s just one joyride. Don’t let your challenges and fears are the hindrance of your success. Life is full of challenges, you might win or lose. Challenges are normal in our daily life it may be hard or easy, just go with the flow. As what Lewis…