Alnitz Ursal Bulamba0

Hi, my name is Alnitz Ursal Bulambao. I’m from Looc, Nailon, Bogo City, Cebu.

I have nothing much to say about me except I am very curious. I get easily fascinated by things. I wonder a lot, and of course I also do ‘wander’ a whole lot more, hahaha..Oh well,  I live by experience.

I came from a big clan. Well, not just big in numbers but also big in sizes! LOL. Haha. My father and my eldest brother works over seas. We barely see each other. It’s even a rare opportunity to gather all of us around since everybody is very busy with their own lives. We are five in the family. I am the only girl, and I have four (4) amazing yet well-composed brothers. And since I am the only one and not to mention, the middle child, I get bully a lot by them. Hehe 😦 But nevertheless, I love them anyway. My mother was a former public servant in our hometown. Many have asked her to go back to serving others but it is us, her family who are very hesitant about her going back to the dirty life of politics. My mother’s doing well now and we would rather have her home anytime than just waiting for her to come home because of the many demands a position in the town holds.

I am a wanderer. I see beauty in a lot of things. Rephrase that! I SEE BEAUTY IN JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING. I take pictures and memorabillias of every place I have been to. That is where I have found the passion to photography. I have joined a lot of competitions in accordance to photojournalism. I have participated in a couple of conferences too. And luckily, my hardwork always pays out.

I value everything that I have in my life. Most especially the people who have always been there for me from the very start and up to the present. Friendship for me is an important treasure that you could always give to the people you adore and love. Friendship doesn’t require anything—just trust and everything will work out just fine.

||  Senior High School  ||

Life as a Senior High School student at the University of San Jose – Recoletos has been really good although there were also bumps along the way but I managed to go through them because of all the help I got from my amazing classmates!

It hasn’t been a much of an adjustment in the new environment for me because the environment in USJ-R is somewhat like my previous school–the people here are all too friendly, warm and accomodating.

Even before I reached Junior High School, I already knew what I wanted to be and what I wanted to wear in the future. Well, I simply want to wear a white coat with my name on the upper-right side of the coat and with the last initials of M.D. I guess it’s pretty obvious nah what I wanted to be, right? 😉 Hmmmm well, and because of that when the news about K12 broke out and the tracks that are available and up for grabs, I immediately know from then that I belong to Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) track because that is where the medical and engineering courses go. So yeah, I signed up for this and I’m glad to have chosen STEM from the very start. No regrets, I must say.


||  Empowerment Technologies  ||

Mr. Patalita has really been very kind to me and my classmates. He has given his utmost patience to us and in return, we are giving him back our all out love and loyalty to him and to the subject. Empowerment Technology has taught us a lot of things this semester that would really be very useful in the coming years ahead of us. And we will forever be grateful to Mr. Vicente Patalita for EVERYTHING. Thank you, Sir. 🙂


||   Earth Science   ||

Even when I was still in nursery, I have found interest in things that involved science and all of its branches. There’s just something special in it that brings out the curiousity in me. Well, Science helps us understand life and everything that has life on Earth so science has pretty much contributed a lot to our existence and the history that has been made here on our planet. I  love Science because it is a never-ending journey towards the curiousity of a person. ❤️


I won’t make this too long. If you want to really get to know me better, then feel free to message me.



Thank you for taking the time to read and get to know me. I appreciate it. Have a good day and God bless us all! 🙂

One Comment Add yours

  1. ssibalry says:

    I share the same sentiment regarding your thoughts on Earth Science. The world truly is a mysterious place, and I think that’s fascinating. I wish you great luck as you also go through the Senior High School life!


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