Hi, My name is Jed. I am a Senior High School student with mental health issues. I am open to sharing my stories if you ask me.

Life as a Senior High School student is harder for me. I can’t keep up with my social life and studies especially since I lack enough time to do my stuff. I travel to and from Lapu-lapu City everyday. That takes about 2 hours of of travel. Imagine my face upon arriving to school, running on the stairs, grasping for air. Phew. Life is indeed hard.

I can’t really make time for assignments so I do it during class hours or during intervals, sorry Sirs and Ma’ams. It’s really taxing on my physical health and so my mental health. socializing is hard for me especially when my body is very tired and begging for sleep.

Upon arriving home, I sleep. Heh. I wake up at midnight to do whatever I want. Sometimes, I take my time to draw and paint. Most times, I just surf the web, switching from app to app. On busy days, I make projects and assignments at dawn if needed. Hays, the busy life of a Josenian Senior High School student.

Aside from school works, I have a lot of extra-curricular stuff to attend to, too. I have Glee practice every Thursday and club encounters on Fridays. It’s okay, though. Singing is my passion so I make time for it even though it’s really hard and tiring. I also have Rover Scouts training every Saturday since i chose to be a leader. If I hadn’t signed up, I would have only have 2 Saturdays in a month, but no… I was adamant and ambitious. Hays. It’s fine, I chose this path so I’m walking it. I don’t turn down the challenges that present themselves to me like that time I face my fears, singing solo in front of the whole SHS population. Eeeeeeep.

My Empowerment Technologies subject has helped me a lot. Initially, I didn’t really have the skills to man MS Word, much less; ADVANCE MS Word skills. I’ve learned a lot about MS Word since then and also MS Excel. Believe me, I’ve never touched any Spreadsheet application in my life ever before. It was hard for me to keep up with all these information. But all of it was worth it. I could really use this in real life, unlike those useless Maths. Seriously, how am I going to use the quadratic formula in real life?

Another thing this class has taught me is keeping my life private in this generation of stupid selfies and narcissistic updates. I’ve learnt that everything I post online is public and even just one or two info about me could harm me, even information as simple as my name or birthday. Not sharing info anymore, online, at least.

Another class I love is Precalculus. I know, many students would dread at hearing the word. It’s like poo, everyone just seems to avoid it, as much as possible. *cough students who are not in STEM cough because of Calculus cough* But really, if you just listen for once and try to understand, you’ll find it more interesting and that it’s really just a combination of what we’ve learned so far and logic. It’s not even that precise yet. Some theories now are circulating that PI is not really accurate.

Anyway, the reason I love this subject is that I can sleep during this time. I’m kidding. I love this because I like Maths. I’m one of the few people who are not necessarily good at it but like learning about it. I do not claim to be good in Math in any way but I am a good thinker. I analyze my way through tests and quizzes and that is what I love in this subject. I get to think hard and challenge my strength. It keeps me grounded. It reminds me that I am not the most brilliant, that there will always be people better than me and I think that’s a beautiful thing.

But I survived. I survived Precalculus I can do anything. HAHAHA. Bye.

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