Cresigna Mae A. Cabanit

I’m Cresigna Mae Abapo Cabanit. I am 16 years old. I was born on November 20, 1999. I’m currently living at 44 L. Flores Street Mahayahay II Pasil, Cebu City. I finished my elementary in Pasil Elementary School. Then, I finished my Junior High in Cebu City Don Carlos A. Gothong Memorial National High School. In my entire life being as a student I am always at the pilot section. I graduated as a Science Class in my elementary and I moved up my  Junior High as a Science Class. Aside being a studious person there are also a lot of things that I’m into and more things that I need to learn.

There might be a lot of things that I can do that others think that I’m amazing but they don’t know that I’m still struggling in learning other things. I’m talented I can say, I know how to do things in diversity. I know It might not that obvious in how I look, but I know things that others don’t know. I like playing board games, playing puzzles, dancing, reading books, painting, etc. Though in my 16 years of existence there are still a lot of things that is just simple yet I doesn’t even know how to *shy*. First, I want to learn how to ride a bicycle. I maybe a good swimmer but I’m so dumb when it comes to bicycle. Then, I want to learn also how to play a guitar.Nevertheless, I know that I’m unique in my own way.

Life as a Senior High student is not that easy I can say but so natural. Honestly, I’m still undecided up until now. Many may were wondering why I’m taking a STEM Track rather taking General Academic Strand (GAS) but it’s just that my choices are on the STEM Track. I really want to take a BSIT when I go to college but my parents are against it because my two older brothers are a BSIT graduate. I don’t want to take something in relation to business because I know the struggles what my older sister have been experienced. My second choice is that I want to grant my mom’s wish to have a daughter that is a doctor. There is n o problem if in terms of studying but the thing is I’m afraid of blood that is why I keep holding my decision. In my third choice, my uncle wants me to take an engineering since I already have a backer if I already graduated. It’s not that I’m afraid of Math, is just that whenever I’m hearing “ENGINEERING” word it weakens me. Aside from computer that I like, there is one thing also that I’m also passionate and that is in the field of arts. I just want to align myself in things that where I’m passionate in doing so that it’s not hard for me.

I learned many things and so happy during my entire first semester class in our Empowerment Technology. Aside from that I like this subject and already experienced a little background in computer programming, it’s just that I already have a advanced schooling in computer technology during my summer days. Even though I already have an advanced schooling there are still things that I doesn’t know or I’m not listening those time that it was discussed. Technology is rapidly invading in today’s generation, so we need to adapt it since we’re already influenced due to its existence. In relation to my track, this subject have a huge impact since it’s so useful nowadays. It helps us in doing our works faster and in convenience way. It’s a proof that it is important in our life, that there would be a time that we will get use to its existence.

Senior High life is quite difficult yet can be manage. In all subjects, maybe I can say that General Mathematics is one of the subject that is useful and important nowadays. As we can see, everything that surrounds us is MATH. That wherever we look there is math. It’s not that its all about numbers but its also about in helping us in some applications in life. That math is one of the reason why a human life progress. In my track, math is a big help when I will go to college because its one of the important thing that I need. If ever I will proceed any of the engineering courses and medical technology, math is useful because there are lot of measurements that needed its accurate and systematize in measuring things. Not only in my track that math is important, even in other track like business management and accountancy. Even in our life math has an impact, that it gives us hope that in every problem there is a solution. We need to take trial and error to come up the right and best answer that we were

One Comment Add yours

  1. Haryet says:

    I’d agree on the importance of general mathematics for our strand. Not only that, it’s importance in difference fields too.


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