Dwine Robect Nadal

new-piktochart-_17037469_e97ac143651d0b3859bd6e046195eab493bd5d54Hi guys… I bet you can’t pronounce my name well. But i guess it’s no longer important at all hahahahaa.

I’m from Tayud, Lilo-an Cebu City. 17 years of age but still im dumb as f*** anyway I was raised by my grandparents when i was 5-12 years old when my family at tpadilla was one of the victims of the fire, they decided to transfer at Liloan (where I lived)

Then we’re all together. my personal quote in my life is that.


I learned that based on my experiences.. If you want to ask what is it? No I dont want to take this too long. So have fun in this site

Much Love :*

And wait! also Im a Senior high who is haveing a hard time at my strand STEM.

well I guess i would shift next sem..

See ya! 😀


Was very fun for me lots of projects to do so on and so fort ut ive managed to finish it all

I mean we finished it all.


At first  I was havin a hard time to finish all task in emp tech since my seatmate “Signa” always helps me. Ive done things easily in these subject. Because last year I dont have any computer subject at all thats why im still in progress.

Thanks To Sir Vicente F. Patalita III for making our projects and tasks easy.

What I want to get rid off (SUBJECT)

It should be CLF.A but since its all about GOD

No choice but have to do all tasks about that subject -.-”


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